Friday, November 25, 2011

A Lesson In My Physics Class

About two weeks ago before my Physics professor presented to us a new unit and problems to solve, he turned on his Mac and let us watch this clip.He said he wanted to celebrate the Parapanamerican Games, a sort of Olympics for the athletes with a disability throughout both American continents. Truth be told, and knowing his sarcastic streak, he wanted us to realize how little publicity such event had in the city, despite the magnitude of it and how many athletes had traveled to the city. Two weeks before that, the city had held the Panamerican Games , the same event but for those athletes trying to open a space for their participation at the Olympic games in London 2012. The city was a mess and the T.V. and newspaper and even the pulpits preached about the progress of it, the gold metals Mexico won, the big celebrities that had been present at the inaugural/ending ceremonies. However, this event went unnoticed, hidden in its silent and merit.

Take the silence as you wish, but although lamentable (and I very much agree it shouldn't have been so- although my actions and enthusiasm for it showed the opposite, so yes, mea culpa!) from this short film I took away another message. The message that from chaos, brokenness, evil can arrive something dignified, something holy, something that can restore those wounds and even make the progress to heal another's wounds, to give someone hope. It's a beautiful short-film, so do enjoy if you haven't already!

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