Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Small Blurb About Meeting the Trinitarians of Mary

Monastery Facade in Guadalajara

The simple entrance above would not hint at a monastery to me, and in fact did not. My meeting with this amazing group of religious was certainly not accidental and yet somehow God-sent. I'll try to be brief as to how I met this group to have a fair amount of time to ramble about how great they are.

Well, it all started with a blog... yes, a blog! Their blog? Nope! I've been a fairly avid blog reader since a few years ago and I came across a blog (that no longer exists) about a woman discerning religious life in California. In one of the many posts this woman posted about another young lady, of only 18, who was entering the Nashville Dominicans (U.S. Congregation) from her parish later that year. I then contacted this young woman, through e-mail and facebook. Her vocation story was really quite lovely and the correspondence in the few months prior to entering was absolutely enriching, and so we continued our correspondence, now through letters to the convent, during my time in St. Louis. Earlier this year, during my participation in the Washington D.C. Pro-life march in an absolutely amazing circumstance (I won't write that story now since it would only make this longer!) I was able to meet her, after months of correspondence, for the first time.

This postulant (now novice I assume) had met the sisters near her hometown in California and in great joy and enthusiasm told me about the community that was also in Mexico, near the border. I kindly told her that Guadalajara was really far away from the border. Returning from D.C. I looked up these sisters and saw that besides the community near the border these sisters just so happened to be located exactly in the heart of Guadalajara. That's it, just two locations in all of Mexico and coincidentally I was traveling to them. The rest is history and to be saved for later! I must however mentioned how incredibly hospitable they are, in my first visit the whole gang gathered around for conversation for an hour and would not let me leave until they brought dinner to me!

Alas, that's bit of the Trinitarians of Mary. Their site is here (although for the past day or so it has been having a few troubles fyi) but rest assured I shall be blogging of them soon enough!

Peace of Christ,

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