Monday, June 26, 2017

After The Storm...

It has been a long time since I have written anything via blog world. For those years I'd read back through old posts and thought that God taken away any shred of creative ability. I quite literally felt I could not create anything. The spirit, hope and pursuit I saw in those words, in that woman, was lost. And I mean not dormant nor out for holiday, but dead. How could I have ever believed I could create beauty and reflect truth?

I am starting to be open to the idea that maybe I was wrong. I am starting to slowly come back to believe I am a creator, or at least a co-creator. So here I am. Twenty-four but feeling none the wiser than that perky, enthusiastic and hopeful 20-year old that wrote a few years back. So dear friends, forgive if this gal in her mid-twenties is a tiny more cynical about the world but know she is trying. With God's grace I can re-discover that creative beauty within me and outside of me.

Image may contain: 2 people, including Sofía González, people smiling

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